Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Techies Have Nothing To Fear From Me

Originally uploaded by Cate Ross.

So, late to the party again, I am only now using Flickr for my photos. You know, since I already have boxes and bags of developed film scattered around the house with no way to find anything, I thought I'd upgrade to digital. So now, I have digital pictures stored on my computer with no back up...smaaaaaart! Not.

So, I said to myself, "Self," I said, "this is a disaster just waiting to happen. Get thee some form of back-up!"

So, I'm sloooooooooooooooooowly putting some--not all, of course, because that would be sensible---of my pictures, a few at a time, onto Flickr, with the hope that when the hard drive fails, I'll not lose everything.

Did I mention that this is going very slowly?

So, here's a test--an early photograph of our Bermondsey from the first couple of days we had him. I'm posting to this blog through Flickr. Let's hope this works.

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