Saturday, November 11, 2006

A New Challenge

November is not just NaBloPoMo--Oh no! That would be too easy! No, I have to add another challenge to the month: the From the Stacks Reading Challenge. Michelle has challenged us to find five books already on our own shelves and to read them between now and January. I've got stacks of books--what am I going to try to read?

There are a ton of books my kids are reading that they feel strongly I should read. Pony has just finished The Outsiders, which I have never read. Bunny has been completely captivated by the Enchanted Forest Chronicles: she's read them through twice since we got them this summer. Technically, that's already five books, but I'm inclined to think of the Enchanted Forest books as just one book, which leaves three more for me to choose.

I bought a whole load of classics last summer to fill the darling round bookshelf in the parlor, and one of those would be good: Mansfield Park or Kate Chopin's Awakening.

I have Love, by Toni Morrison on my shelf and I've never read it.

I bought some books at the school book festival that I've not gotten to. Broken For You would be a decent adult book, so as not to totally load the list with children's lit.

And that's five!

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