Thursday, November 09, 2006

Day Nine--Oops! I Did It Again

Despite the implication of the title, this post is NOT about Britney filing for divorce from K-Fed. Which, by the way, don't we all approve?

No, this is about my own Ooops. A mistake I swore I was not going to make again, and yet did.

Mr. Sweetie is travelling again, and so wasn't home last night. And every time he travels, I just up and forget to go to bed. Something about the fact that he isn't here, and he isn't coming home...I just never go to bed.

It was worse last night--worse than usual. Because due to absolute boneheadedness, I'd been drinking diet soda that was NOT DECAFFINATED! So, when I finally did notice the time (2:15 a.m., if you want the ugly truth) I COULDN'T go to bed because I was far too wired. I finally went upstairs a bit past 3, and tossed around quite a bit.

And, of course, since Mr. Sweetie isn't here, I had to get up and get the kidlets to school.

So, having done my intense moring parenting, I think I'm going back to bed.

Image provided by Gnurf free clip art.

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