Saturday, November 11, 2006

Day Eleven --and A Quiz!

Here is an opportunity to take a home made self assessment quiz! Kind of like a Cosmo quiz, but without all the sex!

Got your number two pencils ready? You may begin.

Fill in the blank:

“Healthy fighting” is_________

a) essential to a healthy marriage.

b) a useful skill.

c) an oxymoron.


a) resolution

b) management

c) avoidance

Disagreement is a _________;

a) sign of strong individuals with healthy self esteem.

b) an opportunity to learn more about each other.

c) disaster.

Okay! Pencils down!

Give your self 2 points for each "a" answer, 1 point for each "b" and 0 points for each "c."

How'd you do?

5-6 points: you are a healthy and well adjusted adult who has no need to take such silly quizzes. Well done!

3-4 points: you are able to bring others to resolution and are either a psychiatric professional or a middle school teacher. Congratulations!

1-2 points: you are in the middle of an encouraging growth point--you are learning to see with the wisdom of maturity that conflict is an "opportunity" rather than a sign of failure. Keep up the good work!

0 points: Hey! You are me!

Really, I am far too old to keep behaving this way. "Duck and cover" was never an effective response to nuclear explosions, and it isn't an effective way to deal with conflict. Just because it's my natural instinct doesn't mean it's evolutionarily effective either.

I am working on it, and have surprised myself by actually confronting some conflict in a productive and mature way. I know! I don't believe it either! Sure, it took me a week to screw my courage to the sticking point, but still! See, there are some advantages to getting older--and you can teach an old dog new tricks!

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