Monday, October 29, 2007

Guess Who Guessing Game

We're going to play a game today. I'll give you some clues, and you see if you can guess who I'm thinking of! Ready? Here we go!!

Clue #1
Guess who. . .didn't take her cell phone out of her jeans pocket at airport security and got wanded for it?

Clue #2
Guess who stuffed her cell phone into the pocket of one of her carry on bags, without noticing where it was or if it was closed?

Clue #3
Guess who discovered her phone was lost, and looked in ALL the luggage (even the checked bags) to find it?

Clue #4
Guess who figures her cell phone fell out of her bag while under the seat in front of her and was either not found or pocketed?

Clue #5
Guess who made a claim under her replacement insurance policy and got the claim approved this morning!

Clue #6
Guess who found her phone at noon today?

I am such a dork.

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