Monday, October 02, 2006

A Tax On Stupidity

Things are settling down around here. The road destruction is nearly complete on both sides of Chez Evil,and the signs that said "No Parking this block 7/1/06-12/28/06" are gone. Which is good, as that is a long time to have no access to your own street.

The garage is finished, just awaiting the final electrical hook-up to be fully operational. The front stairs that Mr. Sweetie is building for us have all the structural pieces attached and level and now need only treads and risers to also be fully operational. Just like Darth Vader and the Death Star "This base is now fully operational. wheeze wheeze"

But. I am not, apparently, fully operational. In fact, I am being stupid. Mr. Sweetie's mother, Gramma Sweetie, came to visit, and I left her in my Van of Evil, talking to Mr. Sweetie on the Evil Cel Phone, parked in the new garage with the overhead door still up. She came into the house, and I failed both to close the door and to lock the car.

The next morning, Mr. Sweetie found a folder with the registration and insurance information on our front porch. It hadn't been there earlier when he'd brought in the newspaper.

Yup. Someone rifled the car. And in my colossal stupidity, I had both my iPods in the car. Which this Someone took. Plus the AirPlay that allowed me to listen through the radio. Plus the power charger. And a cel phone that had been mine until I got the shiny shiny pink one with a different carrier.

Yes, it could have been worse. No windows were broken, no i.d. taken. Nothing was damaged and no one was hurt. But I'll never get those back--who is going to pawn them rather than use them? They'll just erase my stuff and put their own stuff on and that's that.

I'm sure whoever has them now has laughed himself sick over the Old Lady music that's on there. Perhaps it's like liberating the iPod from bad music or something--A Cause. Whatever. It leaves me having to listen to the radio, now, which is sooo bad it's why I had an iPod to start with.

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