Monday, October 30, 2006

November Looms

Silly me--when Fussy invited readers to participate in her National Blog Posting Month, it never occurred to me that there were THAT many bloggers who were either reading or being "mommybloggers." So I just dropped a comment at the end of the post that I wanted to join the challenge.

There are, as of today, about...oh...a gazillion posters who have signed up for it, and Fussy is now offering prizes too! Incentive to actually achieve!

It's not really that I don't have enough to post about--really. It's that I'm noticing that this past weekend, for example, I had exactly NO TIME to even turn on my computer, much less sit and compose a complete sentence.

But now, I've publicly declared my intentions, and now I can be mocked for failure. Nothing like humiliation to encourage participation--far more effective than prizes for me.

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