Monday, November 05, 2007

Frida Kahlo, Part Deux

Anyone seen the Selma Hayek movie "Frida?" I actually saw it when it was first released, in a funky little theater with Mr. Sweetie. A beautiful bio-pic, and probably worth seeing again in connection with the Kahlo exhibit currently in town.

Best story I heard connected to the movie? Alfred Molina, who plays Diego Rivera, was interviewed and said he'd had the most surreal experience while in hair and make-up. He was lying back in the make-up chair, having his eyebrows plucked, while next to him, Salma Hayek was lying in her make-up chair, having eyebrow hairs added.

You know, that Ms. Hayek is so damn beautiful, that even with a unibrow and mustache, she still is better looking than 99% of the rest of the world.

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