Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Last weekend, I heard a story on NPR about a 30+ year old protest against the KKK and Nazi Party, where the protesters were holding signs and chanting "Death to the KKK!" As happens at these things, some members of the KKK and Nazi Party showed up, and there was shooting. People died. In the aftermath, the man who had organized the protest acknowledged that the language had been inflammatory, and there were other ways to express his disapproval.

Later, that same weekend, the Evil family went to a baseball game. Among all the promotions, advertisements, PSAs, etc., was a drive to eliminate ALS--better known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. Every time a batter was retired on strikes, a certain amount of money was to be donated. The running tally was posted on the scoreboards using the abbreviation for a strike: K

Because my mind works this way, I naturally put these two things together, and have the new slogan for the next protest against racism: "Strike out the KKK!"

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