Thursday, June 21, 2007

Okay, Now I'm Just Bragging

Pony went off to a two week Chinese immersion camp (I know! I never would have been that brave!) and Bunny and I drove her up there. It's a world famous language program, here in Minnesota, and the camp is on a lake up in Paul Bunyon country.

It took us six hours to get there--some poor signage and multiple stops to walk the dog, who came too--and then two hours to sign her in. And they really did speak Chinese to her! Sure, there were a lot of gestures, or single English words thrown in ("blah blah blah Massachusetts" while pointing to themselves, and even I understood they wanted to know where she was from). Everybody was really nice, very happy to be there, and we even met a girl who was staying in the same cabin, one year younger, and they were able to buddy up.

At one of the stations she had to check in, she made a name tag with her Chinese name in characters and in pin yin. And the woman manning the station, turned to me and started talking to me in Chinese. I said "I don't speak Chinese" but she didn't stop, encouraging me to make a name tag myself. BECAUSE SHE THOUGHT I WAS A STUDENT!!! Whoo! and Hoo!

Later, as I dropped the Pony and her stuff in her cabin, one of the other moms turned to me, thinking I was a counsellor! It must have been my youthful appearance, because I know I didn't look particularly knowledgeable about what was going on.


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