Thursday, June 30, 2005

Street Fashion

I was at a stop light behind a Mini Cooper today. The mini was a lovely golden color I'd not seen before, but that was not what made it noticeable.

It had been accessorized. And I mean "accessorized" like a theme room at a fantasy suites hotel. There were two vertical stripes of leopard spots running up the back of the car, on either side of the the license plate. The license plate was framed by a chrome frame with a pattern of (big) cat paws. On the rear deck (so you could see them in the rear window) was a bobble-head leopard, a pair of leopard print fuzzy dice, and a leopard Beanie Baby. Just below the back seats' headrests I could see the edge of leopard print seat covers. The license plate was personalized to say "SHEMINI."

Me: (to the kidlets) Oh look how she's accessorized her car with all the leopard things!

Bunny: How do you know it was a she?

Me: Well, the license plate says "She Mini," so I figured it was a lady.

Bunny: That could just be a coincidence. After all, boys like leopards too you know.

Do men drive accessorized leopard print Cooper Minis? I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around that. All I can say is--not any men I know. Not even the gay ones.

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