Saturday, June 18, 2005

And The Winner Is...

We got a dog today. I was prepared not to. In fact, after yesterday, I was pretty darn convinced we were going to get one of the black and white Shih Tzu puppies we saw.

Today was the rescue organization adoption at a (somewhat) nearby pet store. It was not meant to be, I thought. At first, I had the wrong pet store, and while there was an adoption going on, it was not the one I wanted to go to, as I had particular dogs I wanted to see.

So, fortunately having a cel phone, I called 411, got connected to the right store, and asked for directions. And then I sent us the entirely wrong direction. I thought I knew where I was going, and I didn't, and the person who gave me directions didn't drive, so between us, we ended up in the wrong place. I had to call back. Again. And get a different person.

So, instead of being there before the adoption started, we were there half an hour afterward. Which is often fatal if you are interested in a smaller dog. In fact, at first, I couldn't see any smaller dogs, and I figured it was fate.

Except it wasn't. The dog I had come to see spotted me first. I walked toward him, and he stood up, looked at me with his big brown eyes, and licked my finger. This was Toasty.

We brought him home.

He is a very quiet and alert dog, probably a Lhasa Apso crossed with--maybe a cairn terrier? He is about 9 months old and very sweet. The girl handling the adoption papers for me started to cry to say goodbye to him. He was very well loved by the adoption people, and a very lovely dog.

So, you are bound to be inundated with pictures and stories, so I'll cut you some slack right now.

Toasty is home, and he is ours.

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