Friday, June 03, 2005

Oh, Halcyon Youth

Lileks has a post on his Bleat today that reminisces about glory days of college at the University of Minnesota. Among other things. It is the Bleat, after all.

Anyway, he includes a link to the frieze at Burton Hall, a glorious Greek Parthenon of a college building which was once the library. Beneath the triangular pediment runs a frieze of the gods of knowledge or something.

I found the charming little cafeteria/coffee shop in the basement of this building only in my last spring at the school. That was a bittersweet time. I was finding all sorts of things about my college experience that I had missed--charming new friends, interesting locations, good places to pass the time between classes--that I had never taken the time for in my monomanical focus on academics.

And at the same time I was counting the hours until I could get the hell out of Minnesota and go be with my Mr. Sweetie, who lived 1500 miles, one time zone and a 3 hour $400 plane ride away.

Not that I missed him or anything.

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