Saturday, February 04, 2006

iPod CoDependency

Mr. Sweetie said it about something else, but my relationship with my iPod is turning into a little bit of Wife Of An Alcoholic. When it's good, it's very good, and when it's bad, I try to convince myself it's not so bad. Really! It's really a nice iPod, when you get to know it! It's just having a bad day! It will change!

Today, I am dealing with the fact that my iTrip (which broadcasts to my radio so I can listen in the car) has decided to strike, and is not recognizing the radio AT ALL. So, since my iPod doesn't hold all my music, I have to make a playlist of what I want in the car, and then I have to add the iTrip station(s) I want to use for broadcast.

Which is not what I want to do, because then the iTrip shows up as a "song" and will get played. Yeah, it's annoying--like a Test Of The Emergency Broadcast System This Is Only A Test. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP.

So, I tainted my playlist with the iTune station that I need. I plug in my iPod to my computer to update it.

And nothing happens.

So, iTunes now refuses to recognize my iPod. There is a help page for this problem, and there are about 6 or 7 "fixes," most of which involve uninstalling and reinstalling and restarting the computer and....just too much!

So, while iTunes doesn't recognize my iPod, the iPod thinks it's updating and is flashing threatening messages that I MUST NOT DISCONNECT it.

On Tuesday, I was trying to download 3 songs from iTunes to a CD. Currently, iTunes will not burn CDs either.

But really! It's really great when it works!

EDIT: Well, I got the iTunes to recognize the iPod. All it took was to update iTunes, update the iPod, restarting the computer, plugging iPod into a power outlet to flash reset, manually reconfiguring what iTunes downloads, and then reconnecting the iPod.

Next, we teach pigs to fly and examine why women can't play professional football.

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