Thursday, February 09, 2006

Fun With Rorsach Tests!

So, I was driving along the other day, and I came across this license plate.

So, take a moment and decide what it says.

It's okay. Take your time.

I'll wait.

Done? Good. Here is what your answers say about you:

Love Fashion: You are most likely female, and either under 30 or in the fashion business. You watch the Oscars for the dresses, and regularly watch E! "Fashion Police." You may also be Kelly Osbourne.

Live Fashion: You work at a magazine, or all your favorite novels have a heroine who works at a magazine. The darkest day of your life was when Sex and the City ended. You own more than two pairs of black heels. You secretly wish Santa would bring you one pair of Manolo Blahniks for Christmas. You may also be Sarah Jessica Parker, Sienna Miller or Chloe Sevigny. This is not necessarily a good thing.

Love Fishing: You are male. You do not live on either coast. You have a three car garage to hold your bass boat. You own several dozen caps, which you rotate wearing. No one knows why. You do not shave on weekends.

Live Fishing: You own this license plate.

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