Thursday, February 02, 2006

I Thought I Was Too Old For Detention

The Pony is ice skating for PE this week, and asked me to sharpen her skates. Which I forgot to do. So, yesterday morning, I found a place that would do it--nearby--and toted the skates over.

As I was walking up the stairs at school to the Pony's locker, I was met by two teachers. The Language Arts teacher was pleasant and took a sort of aesthetic joy in the idea of freshly sharpened skates.

The math teacher, however, started quizzing me.

First of all, this math teacher is a very large man, even on level ground. Several steps above me on the stairway, he was enormous. To look at him, you'd assume he was the gym teacher and/or football coach. He has that air of aggressive good health and hearty exercise. I can only imagine that middle school kids quail before him.

So, he gave me the skunk eye and demanded, "Are we engaging in enabling behavior here?"

And he meant it, don't doubt that! Which I appreciate, because this is where the kids have to learn to be self sufficient in order to succeed in the higher grades. Plus, it's a big change from the lower school, where parents are welcomed and frequently seen around the school. The middle and upper schools discourage parents in the building--and we parents need to be trained about this just as much as the kids do.

Plus, I had been thinking the very same thing, since I had been at the school yesterday, delivering something else the Pony needed and didn't do, so I did it for her.

I said, "Welllll. She did ask earlier, and I was the one who forgot."

Math Teacher immediately lightened up and said, "Well, okay."

"So I don't get detention?"

"No. Not THIS time."

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