Thursday, July 14, 2005

What Do Women Want, Anyway?

Apparently, Sigmund Freud's lament (or was it a real question? Hard to know anymore) continues to puzzle the male half of the species. Leading institutions are working on the answer, and have managed to come up with some candidates for rejection:

At some point in adolescence we all realize that building radio transmitters and memorizing Monty Python routines will not, despite the infuriating unfairness of it all, be rewarded with the love of a good woman.

Two down! Now, how many more to go?

(Quote is from


Anonymous said...

Hello Mistress,

I'm the author of the piece you quoted from Salon, and I am here to recieve your wisdom.
So: what do Mistresses want, anyway?


Anonymous said...

My impression from attempting to date after divorce is that many single/divorced men over 40 want nothing more messy than shallow interaction and very casual sex on their terms, even when they are confronted with a very attractive, intelligent, sexual woman who wants a deeper and hopefully lasting relationship. I'm waiting for someone to prove me wrong, but I'm no longer holding my breath.

Anonymous said...

...p.s. forgot to add: Maybe TV is simply reflecting reality for the majority of single middle aged men.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I appreciate your reply, but I really think you may be looking in the wrong places or something. There are a lot of men out there who want something real and substantial!

Amy Adams said...


I really enjoyed your article in Salon--you write beautifully. Mr. Sweetie has asked me what women want, and I have told him the answer is "fusible interfacing." But now, we have that, so there must be something more to want.

The questions you raise are intriguing, although I think such single-minded devotion to work says more about the writers' social lives than maybe they meant to divulge. (Or else you are right, and formaldehyde causes impotence.)

The question your piece raises for me is: why do we watch all those shows? Or is it just that given the giddy hypersexuality and pretentiousness of "reality" shows, that scripted shows are at least trying to find something more serious to portray than "being on the journey" and "taking it to the next level"?

Anonymous said...

I started watching CSI because I loved the crime shows on TLC and Discovery. Then I discovered that William Petersen was in the show and Oh Boy. I have loved this man as both a sex object and a fantastic actor for a long time so I was thrilled. And even in the first and 2nd seasons he was pretty human. He laughed, dated women, rode rollercoasters, played jokes on his collegues and then he just turned into a eunuch (The Eunuchness of Gil Grissom). I made the mistake of saying on one CSI site that I though the man was gay because the only people he seemed to have any sympothy for were the males and I almost got stoned. Why is love & passion such a bad thing these days? Doesn't anyone remember McMillan & Wife, Hart to Hart, the Thin Man series, all the wonderful Katherine Hepburn/Spencer Tracy movies. Those people were married, they were sexy, they were witty and a lot of them actually solved crimes. Whoopee.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous attempting-to-date-after-divorce, if being *confronted* in *messy* relationships on someone else's terms is what constitutes something deep and lasting, well maybe it's a good thing you exhaled.