Saturday, July 09, 2005

Britons Never Never Never Shall Be Slaves

The day cannot close without some comment about the recent terrorist attacks in London. We were recently there, and were in some of the locations were the bombs exploded. This felt even more personal than the 9/11 attacks, as we have such affection for that city.

Yet, as heinous as these attacks were, they are such a small event in the history of this city. In the last thousand years, this city has survived invasions by Vikings, conquering by the Normans, two bouts of Black Plague, the Great Fire, the Great Stink, regicide, civil war, restoration, bloodless revolution, the institution of non-English speaking sovereigns, the Blitz, and 30 years of IRA activity. London will survive.

I heard a snippet of an interview with a crusty Brit, who looked old enough to have survived the Blitz himself. His take on these attacks?

"I am quite annoyed with these people, who have inconvenienced so many, and for no purpose, as far as I can see."

The sun still shines on the British Empire, as far as I can see.

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