Saturday, August 18, 2007

So! How's The Sleeping?

The sleep struggle continues. I got the new, smaller, lighter mask, which is now adjusted to not slip around so much, but is still a damn heavy plastic thing that smashes my lip against my teeth and is still a long tube attached to a machine that interferes with my ability to sleep comfortably.

However this does answer a question. To wit: if the CPAP machine is 85%+ effective, why do people turn to the other, much much less effective alternatives--like incredibly invasive surgery, or oral appliances?


Sorry for the shouting, but it was unavoidable. Incidentally, see how closely CPAP looks like CRAP? Coincidence? I don't think so.

So, last week I went back to the doctor to check on the progress. The machine I'm using is self-adjusting, which means that the amount of air pressure changes throughout the night. So part of the night I'm sucking to get enough air, and part of the night I'm probably getting too much. The machine keeps data about all that, which gets printed off at the doctor's for their evaluation.

So, I took my machine in, and guess what. No, you won't guess. Because the DAMN MACHINE FAILED TO RECORD ANY INFORMATION for the last three weeks, and EVEN ERASED some of the information from before that.

So, I'm going to wrestle with this for another few weeks until we get that information re-generated. Plus, I'm still tired, and still sleeping about 9.5 hours every day. The only person really getting any benefit from this whole thing (besides the makers of the DAMN MACHINE) is Mr. Sweetie, who doesn't have to listen to me snore all night.

Not that he has ever EVER complained. But I think he's getting better sleep now. Too bad I'm not.

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