Monday, August 27, 2007

First Mate Butterfingers Escapes Keelhauling

So, after posting this about dropping the gas cap into the water, I got the most lovely email from Captain Mr. Sweetie.

Re: the gas dock guy. When I went to fill the tanks he unscrewed the tops and hovered there for a minute, not sure whether to set them on the gunwales, or hold them, or should he put the hose in with the chain in place, or... I pulled it out and he kind of made a gesture with his hands, like "don't drop that". When I put it in my pocket he acted out relief and said "you can't just order something like that from the supply catalog." I told him the starboard side filler top had already gone for a swim today and I told him "poor Cate, I was trying to show her how to check the gas level, and..." and he made a very sympathetic kind of sucking look. He was impressed we got it out...
Bet you didn't know there was that much drama to boating.
And wanted to let you know that you are not alone in the struggle with the sea gods who want bits of shiny things.

So, I'm not even on probation! Even though it was probably a one of a kind, nearly impossible to replace, vintage gas cap, and it was totally my fault that it went into the river, and that disaster was only averted because Captain Mr. Sweetie skillfully deployed a fishing net to retrieve it from the much that is the river bottom. . .

The Sea Gods must have been feeling generous.

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