Tuesday, March 14, 2006

In Which I Explain Why I Won't Be Posting For A While

Unlike all the bloggers I read regularly, we are not going to Amsterdam. (Is that like a meme now?)

No--we have kidlets who won't be little much longer, so we're going to Disney World.

Because we are romantic, we are staying "on campus" at the Wilderness Lodge. The nice People From Disney will pick up our luggage from the airport, they will transport us to our hotel, and we plan on being waited on hand and foot for eight days.

Except for the plane ride, of course. After all, we live in a one airline town, and even with the captive market, NorthWorst is in bankruptcy. So, I expect that customer service is not going to be high on their To Do List. On the other hand, they could have stopped all flights completely, or simply stuffed us in the overhead bins...or asked the passengers for volunteer pilots. You never know with bankruptcy.

But! It is of no matter! For we are going to the Happiest Place On Earth (tm) where we will be treated kindly and courteously, and large fluffy animals will pose for pictures with us!

To which I say: Whoo! And Hoo!

We leave Florida's sunny clime late next Wednesday. There is no indication on line that there is internet access there, so you'll just have to wait.

Oh, and it can only help our mood to know that it snowed six inches yesterday, and we will be leaving the winter BEHIND!


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