Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Let's Get Some Shoes!

So, I look down, and I see these bright red things on the ends of my legs. Are these my feet? Surely not!

Yes, those are red suede Comfort Mocs (TM) from L.L.Bean, which Pony and I ordered for her. Alas, they are too tight for Pony to get onto her feet. Alack, L.L. Bean is out of the red ones, and will not be getting any more in the foreseeable future.

So, as a service to the world and to spare the Pony any more shopping (which she hates), I am wearing these shoes to stretch them out so she can wear them. I guess this is what happens when your child is taller than you are.

I just never wear bright colored shoes like this, and it seems so weird to look down and see them attached to my legs. I don't even have anything that goes with red shoes. Clearly, that means it's time to go rethink my wardrobe.

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